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Toby and Wesley

from Billings, Montana

Congratulations to Toby and Wesley of Billings, Montana! These two siblings are two of our three 2024 All-Star for Animals Contest winners. 🎉

Why did you go vegan?

Toby (11) and Wesley (12) went vegan a few years ago after going vegetarian when Wesley, who was only 4 years old at the time, stopped eating animals by asking his mom what meatballs were made of. Later, Toby watched a movie on Netflix called Okja that really highlighted for him that if he cared about saving animals by not eating meat, he should also care about not eating other foods derived from them—like cow’s milk or chickens’ eggs. Once Wesley learned from his brother why he should go vegan, he quickly made the switch as well

What is your fave vegan food?

Toby loves a good vegan burger and fries, while Wesley enjoys foods that are a little sweeter—like vegan donuts and anything strawberry-rhubarb–flavored.

What is the #1 way you like to help animals?

Both Toby and Wesley are very active in promoting animal rights at school. Toby created a petition to boycott chick-hatching there, talked with many classmates about why they should care about baby birds, and collected many signatures. Wesley likes talking to people about ditching meat and explaining to them that animals are friends, not food—and that the meat industry causes these animal friends to suffer.